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Redefining Possibilities With Ascend Behavior Partners

Discover how Lumary’s end-to-end practice management solution revolutionized operations at Ascend Behavior Partners, a leading Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) practice.

As a multi-state ABA practice, Ascend Behavior Partners (Ascend) stands out for their family-centered approach. They understand the importance of early intervention and provide unwavering support to families throughout their journey. With an ambitious growth target for the next 5 years, Ascend is fully committed to providing outstanding care while upholding their fundamental values that sit at the forefront of driving operational efficiency to achieve their organizational-wide goals.

Prior to partnering with Lumary, Ascend encountered multiple hurdles that impeded their business growth while striving to deliver seamless and efficient care to their clients. Addressing challenges like client cancellations and employee capacity tracking, Ascend sought a scalable and robust tech solution that would cater to their specific needs and drive them toward their operational objectives.

See firsthand how a Lumary tech partnership empowers ABA organizations to achieve growth and excellence, making their vision a reality, watch the full Ascend case study here:


The remarkable journey of Ascend showcases the transformative power of Lumary’s tech partnership, empowering providers to actualize their vision of growth and excellence. Experience the same success by booking a consultation with our industry-leading experts today. Let us guide you on the path to success, just like Ascend did!