4 Digital Trends Every Care Provider Should Know About

Matthew English - Chief Technology Officer, Lumary

Our mission at Lumary is to connect the best technology to the best human care. We’re on top of the latest developments in health life sciences technology, so we can give providers all the tools they need to offer the best care possible.

That’s why we sponsored Dreamforce 2022: the world’s largest technology conference hosted by Salesforce. Named as Salesforce Sales Partner of the Year for 2021 + 2022, and Salesforce Growth Partner of the Year for 2022 for the Asia Pacific, Lumary is a leading Salesforce partner delivering technology solutions for the Australian healthcare industry. Matthew English, Lumary Chief Technology Officer, shares four digital trends from the event, and how they help providers provide better care.


1. Mobile apps for remote communities

Mobile apps have gone from being an optional extra to a ‘must have’ for support workers. When Lumary first introduced its app five years ago, providers immediately saw the benefits. “Support workers on the field can look at their phone and see who they are delivering care to, along with all their information,” said Matthew. “After completing their appointment, they can enter case notes and the information automatically turns into billing records for quick payment.”

Lumary is now developing its latest mobile app, and piloting an offline offering with Salesforce. The new feature could benefit providers who care for people in remote communities without reliable internet coverage. “We have customers in regional areas that don’t always have mobile connectivity when they’re providing care,” added Matthew. “Being able to see data on their device – and have that information updated when they get back into mobile range – is important, or else they can’t use their phone on the field.”


2. Living on the Cloud

Care organisations have traditionally relied on Electronic Health Records on their own hardware to manage clinical data. But as COVID forced us to rethink the way we deliver care, it became clear that having multiple sources of data was inefficient, as searching different systems for information often wasted time.

A Cloud-based platform offers one place where you can securely store data and access it from anywhere, creating a single source of truth on a global network. According to Matthew, care providers are transitioning from storing data in servers on their premises to Cloud being “the de-facto standard”. 

“With the Cloud, providers can access all the data they need on the job, automate time-consuming tasks, reduce mistakes, and have a 360-degree view of the client’s journey,” explained Matthew. “There’s no physical infrastructure that companies need to worry about. All they need is a browser, username and password, and they’re off and running.”


3. Getting technology to clients faster

While some companies build their own technology infrastructure, through Lumary’s partnership with Salesforce, the world’s #1 CRM platform, and the ongoing expansion of Lumary software for niche healthcare markets will continue to have great benefits for end users. 

Matthew references how partnering with Salesforce basic functionality is taken care of, along with security, authentication, server upgrades and patching. “Lumary’s development team is freed up to build solutions for clients more quickly, and deliver greater functionality sooner rather than later.” 

Lumary is also more agile when it comes to testing and responding to feedback. “The benefit of being able to move quickly is we can give clients something to test, so we’re not guessing. It’s so valuable to have a really engaged customer who can give us relevant feedback based on what they see on a day-to-day basis, as they use the product.” said Matthew. “We can understand how we need to steer the product next. Without seeing how people use it, we’re in a vacuum and not making the best decisions for our customers.”


4. Leveraging world class R&D through collaboration

Platforms like Salesforce invest heavily in R&D, which Matthew believes has enormous benefits for Lumary and its customers. “We keep up to date on the newest features Salesforce releases, so we can leverage and build on them.”

This collaborative approach leads to continual learning, digital innovation, and ultimately, better end-to-end solutions for support workers. The same is true for care providers, who can leverage Lumary’s software to make data-driven decisions and provide outcome-based care. 

“Often, providers feel they need to build everything themselves, and they get to a point where they realise that chasing NDIS and Aged Care regulations starts to become extremely expensive, especially if you have a team of staff to maintain everything,” explained Matthew. “Partnering with a healthtech provider like Lumary is the cost-effective way forward, reducing overheads while benefiting from the latest innovations that deliver a better customer and employee experience.” 


Lumary is developing a seamless healthcare ecosystem for healthcare providers through innovative software, ongoing support, and a strong partnership approach. For more information, contact the Lumary team today.